Chili Cook-off Winners / Donation Amount
We raised just under $600 in donations during the two hour event, but with the company match, we can send an additional 3 veterans to Washington DC as part of Honor Flight of Northwest Ohio.
The winning chili’s were;
1st Place (winner of two RT tickets on Direct Air); Tim Reed’s “Firehouse Won Chili”, 180th Fire Dept
2nd Place (winner of Loma Linda’s $50 gift card); Richard Snyder’s “Firehouse Tu Chili”, 180th Fire Dept
3rd Place (winner of a $25 gift card from Chili’s); Pam Higgins “Out The Wazoo Chili”, HR Administrator for Grand Aire
Best Named Chili (winner of a Grand Aire merchandise package); Katrina Cheema’s “Hot Mama Chili”